How to use it:
Search for used cubemap file in your game installation.
Usually it´s placed in a mas/gtr archive in the vehicle folder of your mod/game
Rename my cubemap and paste it in the folder the original cubemap/mas is located.
With rF´s CTDP05 Mod you will have to copy your cubemaps called "" in
"GameData\Vehicles\CTDP\CTDP", where CTDP05.mas is located
With GTR2 you will have to copy your cubemaps called "" in
"GameData\Teams" where stex.GTR is located.
You can also find out how the file must be called opening the car mesh with 3DSimed and looking for the material names.
Some Mods use an Alpha Chanell in their Car Paints.
You can increase/decrease the amount of reflections on your car by changing the Brightness of it.
Brighter means more Reflections.
Feel free to use the file
in your mod projects,
I hope you enjoy!
Credits to:
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To THANK YOU, would not be THANKS're now a semi-god my friend!!
ReplyDeleteWill this cause mismatches for online play?
ReplyDeleteLooks fantasic!!! Couldnt figure out how to use it on GP79 so dropped it in vehicle folder and WOW!!!! GP79 looks great with shiny cube!!!
ReplyDeletethx guys,
ReplyDeleteglad you like it =)
No Wim,
wont cause mismatches.
The effects look excellent, but I'm confused as to how you get the new cubemap to work in rFactor. Do you have to drop it in the folder for every mod, or just the "vehicles" folder?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHow do you get Historic gt for rfactor working?Tryed, Cant seem to get this to work only with that mod? Looks great in your screens of the cobra
OK thanks 6e66o. One more question: what is the difference between the 512px and 256px files? And what do the percentages mean?
ReplyDeletedepends where the original cubemap is located..
for historX its (or maybe in comunes.mas
they have differenz size and transparency.
bigger size means better resolution,
more transparency means more reflections.
So, cause I'm very stupid, suppose I wan't your cubemaps working with CTDP05:
ReplyDelete1) Unzip new_Cubemaps.7z, obtaining:
new Cubemaps\by 6e66o\, CAR_CUBE_less & CAR_CUBE_more (an other files as well).
2) Copy file "new Cubemaps\by 6e66o\" to "C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\CTDP\CTDP\" folder.
3) Rename (copied in 2) to "".
Is that right?
ReplyDeleteas stated in the description.
Cant get it to work. Tried everything for CTDP 05 but nothing works.
ReplyDeleteI copy 1 of the cubemaps to the CTDP folder stated, rename it and nothing changes ingame.
What am I doing wrong?
Ingame Details set to high? DX9?
ReplyDeleteYeah everything is maxed. No idea whats up. It's really annoying as this update looks fantastic.
ReplyDeleteI'll download MMG and see if that works.
ReplyDeleteThank You!! Historic GT got working per your help, looks fantastic. Will this effect the car interior at all or exterior only? Has my Hall of Fame at RFC!!!
Hi, i saw the pics and i liked them very much. Great Job! I would like to use them with GTR EVO but i have no idea how and where to put the files. Also i am a little bit confused because there are a lot of files in the package. Can you help me to use your maps with GTR EVO too? Thank you very much!
To get this working in Evo:
ReplyDeletePick a Cubemap from the Pack,
(I´d suggest "Car_cube_more shiny)
rename it to
and put it in your GameData/Teams Folder (make a backup, in case you want to go back to the original).
What I don't get: what exactly are the files in the GSMF-Folder for?
ReplyDeleteOkay, now I've got the new cubemaps working. For those of you still trying to get it to work, here's what I did, in addition to copying them to the mod's folder.
ReplyDeleteTo get the new files to work, you need to edit the .MAS file. To do so, ISI has a .MAS editor utility on Open the .MAS file with the editor, and look for the cubemap files. They may have a different name, so read carefully. Also, making a backup of your .MAS file couldn't hurt. Rename the maps you pasted to those currently in the .MAS. Delete the original maps, then replace them with the new ones. Save the new .MAS file, and enjoy...
Hey!! my englisch is :/ ..
ReplyDeleteso, where is ?? "IMPORTATNT:
Some Mods use an Alpha Chanell in their Car Paints.
You can increase/decrease the amount of reflections on your car by changing the Brightness of it.
Brighter means more Reflections."
Where i cheange Brighter and alpha chanel?? Thank Uou!! :)
ReplyDeleteopen the car skins with photoshop,
switch to channel window,
go to alpha channel, make it brighter (Brightnes/Contrast).
6e66o Thank You, I know everything.
ReplyDeletePCC2007 awesome look :-) check my last 7 screnshot ;P
this is a fantastic contribute sorry by asking again but the configuration of your graphics card please you can send it me to my email and which is your confuguracion in rfactor thanks I was very thanked
What program may I open the file stex. in the game GTR2. In rFactor it was editor utility mas because I want to change cubemaps called ""
6e66o---> THANK YOU !! :)
ReplyDeleteanyone know how to use it in fsone 2008?
ReplyDeleteI seem to be having problems with this as well. I follow the instructions put for some reason it still does not work.
ReplyDeleteCheck the instructions i posted here:
ReplyDeletei think you can improve it by giving more reflection on them because the reflection is like only half of the f1 car
hope you can do it
Keep in mind that the same cubemap can look very different depending on the modell.
ReplyDeleteBut i actually made a new Version, with more diffuse light reflections.
Im probably going to upload it at some point.
6e66o I would like to get GSMF Alien cubes to work but I have no frikin idea where to put them :/Im using F1RL mod
ReplyDeleteI got no teams directory in GameData folder :/
ReplyDeleteBoobs, my bad but umm, u didnt really tell anything about where to put those sky,dock,carwash files :x
ReplyDeleteSorry for doublepost
Those files are cubemaps too!
ReplyDeleteyou dont install every file, but only the one you pick!
So its up to you if you use "more shiny" oder "dock" cubemap, or whatever!
Es excelente! Muchas gracias locos, sigan así! Desde Argentina un saludo cordial.
Can you please help me?
ReplyDeleteI want the cubemaps for the f1 2009 RFT mod, but i dont know where to past the file?
Please can you explain me how they work in Fsone2008?
ReplyDeletecan’t download 。。。please check it
ReplyDeleteHi 6e66o, this looks fantastic! Unfortunately the download link is dead, is it possible that you could re-upload it?
ReplyDeleteDownload link is dead. New link please.
ReplyDeleteNew Link Please! somebody can to send me This Files Please??
New link please!!! Or who can send to my mail Please!!!
ReplyDeleteHello! I can’t use Cubemaps for the CTDP 2006 mod, I do everything according to the instructions ( I rename the file and paste it into the folder with the MAS file CTDP06.MAS ) but there are no changes( I use DX9 and in game use full settings,maybe I'm doing something wrong =( Can someone help please and will write in steps What and where to insert? Thanks!